This assumes you are installing on a RPI 4 with 4GB of memory
If not you need to modify the video memory split to suite your needs in both the ‘raspi-config’ step as well as the ‘Skip the prompt for GPU Split’ step
Download Raspbian Lite
RaspberryPi DownloadsUse SD Formater and Win32 Diskimager to load the image to a Micro SD Card
log in and run ‘sudo raspi-config’
- Change the password for the ‘pi’ user
- Under Network Options:
- N1 Hostname: [Your Hostname]
- N3 Network Interface Names: Yes
- Under Boot Options:
- B2 Wait for Network at Boot: Yes
- Under Localisation Options:
- I1 Change Locale: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8
- I2 Change Timezone: America | Chicago
- I4 Change Wi-fi Country: US United States
- Under Interface Options:
- P1 Camera: No
- P2 SSH: Yes
- Under Advanced Options:
- A1 Expand Filesystem
- A3 Memory Split: 2048
Once completed the pi will prompt you to reboot
Log into the pi using SSH
Make sure stuff is up to date
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo reboot
Download DisplayCameras
cd /tmp/
Decompress and get started
tar -xvzf ./master.tar.gz
cd ./displaycameras-master/
Skip the prompt for GPU Split
sudo sed -i -e '/Enter a custom gpu split if desired/,+6d'
sudo sed -i '/ a custom split desired/a\split=2048'
Skip the prompt to view the ReadMe
sudo sed -i '/Installation Successful/a\exit 0'
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
cd ..
sudo rm master.tar.gz*
sudo rm -fr displaycameras-master/
sudo rm displaycameras.seq
Backup your original files
sudo cp /etc/displaycameras/displaycameras.conf /etc/displaycameras/displaycameras.conf.origional
sudo cp /etc/displaycameras/layout.conf.default /etc/displaycameras/layout.conf.default.origional
Enable screen blanking
sudo sed -i '/#blank="true"/a\blank="true"' /etc/displaycameras/displaycameras.conf
Modify /etc/displaycameras/layout.conf.default to fit your needs
DisplayCameras page for guidenceEnable & run the service
sudo systemctl enable displaycameras
sudo systemctl start displaycameras
Now if you want to support multiple screen resolutions (without editing it every time)
you will need to create a layout file for each resolution.
First step is to enable the auto detection of the screen size
sudo sed -i '/#displaydetect=true/a\displaydetect=true' /etc/displaycameras/displaycameras.conf